London trip with my mom

:: A photo diary ::
London - Sky Garden / Horapha Thai Cuisine / Holland Park

- 14 August, 2018 -

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A mother daughter day out together woo 😚 This trip to London was a belated Mother's Day celebration. Fun fact: In Thailand, the queen's birth date is the national Mother's Day which is August 12. Due to Sky Garden being fully booked that day, I had to postpone our trip until the 14th.

We went to three places including a Thai restaurant. I actually planned for us to stay until dinnertime but there was the Westminster car crash and police treated it as a 'terrorist incident' where three people got injured (thankfully, their injuries were not extremely serious) early that morning - my dad and boyfriend were worried and told us to leave central London in case more incidents happen. So we left in the afternoon. There weren't any more incidents afterwards but it was better to be safe than sorry, right?

Nonetheless, I had a lovely time with my wonderful mom visiting beautiful gardens and eating Thai food. By the way, I had planned to make a video diary but didn’t have the time to edit yet, and this photo diary has been sitting in my drafts for too long so I decided to publish this before the video (…if I’ll ever edit it, haha).

Sky Garden

The first place we visited was Sky Garden. You can see amazing 360 degree views of City of London from here. We had fun taking photos hehe. One thing though - I expected the garden to be bigger. In the online photos I saw, the garden looked pretty huge but there were not as much green as I hoped for. But that's okay, the great views of the popular landmarks of London make up for it.

If you're planning on visiting Sky Garden, I highly recommend you to book the (free) tickets a week or two in advance because they run out very quickly.

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Oh look, it's a Nana triplet with distorted faces and limbs 😆 Haha, my mom wanted to try this panorama trick where I had to run around a couple times which was pretty fun. I think it turned out well if you look from far away and don't zoom in hahaha.

A potato & her mama

Of course, this potato gets super happy about food, especially when they're free 😆

Isn't my mom so gorgeous and lovely? :')

Horapha Thai Cuisine

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We had lunch at a Thai restaurant called Horapha Thai Cuisine. The noodles were really good! There were some other authentic Thai dishes and desserts that are hard to find in the UK too. Wouldn’t mind eating there again.

Holland Park (Kyoto Garden + Dutch Garden)

After stuffing our face full with tasty Thai food, we headed to Holland Park. Kyoto Garden was cute and sort of Japanese-y but again, just like Sky Garden, I expected it to be larger. (Maybe my expectations were too high? I think it's because the online photos I saw prior coming here made the place appear way  bigger than it actually is, haha.) 

However, I love the wildlife there. There were huge Koi fish in the pond, this elegant bird (photo below) and peacocks! Dutch Garden was very pretty and a nice area to chill and relax as well.

bird Kyoto Garden Holland Park

I made this video for her on Mother's Day. It features the ~most beautiful~ cover of the song "You raise me up" 😂 I can't help chuckling the whole time I was editing this video hahaha. Happy to say that my mom also liked it :')

I am so grateful for all the things and sacrifices my mom's done for me and my siblings and that I have such a kind, compassionate, beautiful mother. Happy belated Mother's Day. I love you mama ❤️

When is your national Mother’s Day?
What do you love about your mom / mother figure?